As I have commented on and whinged about before, I find myself yearning for more from life. I keen for more adventure. I desire to be more significant. I loathe the notion of dying as nothing more than a piece of unnecessary punctuation buried unread within the tomes of history. I want to be a tome (or at least a paragraph).
I watch TV, I read books, I play games, I see movies, and they always leave me wanting to take up swords, or guns, or fists, or armies, and fight the valiant fight, right the myriad injustices, and make of myself a leader and a hero. More than just a man.
At this point it is interesting to note that while my mind rales against my mediocrity, my mundanity, and my lifes predictable sustainability, my brain points out that the very uneventfulness of my life has seen me already outlast the average life expectancy of humans only a few hundred years ago, and sees me in good health, with food on the plate, a house to live in, and all the commodities and conveniences that a stable, structured (and inherently boring-enough-to-make-you-cry) society affords.
(But sometimes that predictability and convenience really is quite spectacularly depressing)