I always rely on the kindness of strangers

Today I made a major error of judgment and relied on the Public transport as part of my getting to the airport plans. Having arrived back at the hospital in time I wandered across to the train station in the rain, to find that there was a blockage on the line which had stopped all trains going into the city.

After a bit of cursing I managed to find another person who needed to get into the city and we agreed to share a taxi. Of course everyone else must have had the same idea, and we couldn’t get through to the taxis on the phone.

At this point I was starting to get a little anxious.

Then out of almost nowhere one of the other passengers waiting on the station asked if we were trying to get into the city, and offered us a ride, seeing as she was now going to have to drive in to the city so that she could get to work.

So I ended up getting a ride with a uni student in her early 20’s from west Australia in a souped up little Mitsubishi.

What can I say. I love the kindness of strangers. It absolutely saved the day…