One of the features of internship which I’m a little uncertain about is the wisdom of changing departments every 10 weeks.
I have just changed from Orthopedics to general surgery, which is not that big a change, but others have gone from medicine to surgery, or mental health to obstetrics. or visa versa.
I was at a point in orthopedics where I knew the team, I knew the nurses and allied health staff, I knew how things worked in theatre and on the ward and in outpatients. Basically I had gotten to the point where I was good at my job and felt I was being a genuinely useful member of the unit… and then they shifted me.
Now admittedly the learning curve is not as steep this time around, but I’ve still gone back to the situation of not knowing the skills and temparements of my team members or of the nursing and other staff. I also don’t know all the differences in the way the surgery department’s systems and processes work yet either, so basically they have taken a bunch of interns had been trained up to usefulness, and made them inefficient again.
Now as I understand it many countries in the northern hemisphere run their medical internships on a system where you do a 6 month medical term and a 6 month surgical term, and I have to say that I wonder if that isn’t a better arrangement. That way you spend a month or so upskilling, and then 5 months just being good and efficient.
On the other hand however I suppose that people who got stuck for 6 months on a discipline you didn’t like, with a team you didn’t get along with would probably discagree with me on this.