I keep on running into a little dilema.
I’m not the most motivated in the morning, and usual arrive in the hospital car park with 2 or 3 minutes to get up to the ward before start time.
Now the problem is that I listen to CDs or the radio as I drive to work, and I frequently find myself halfway through some really good song or other as I park the car. Now I know I should just jump out and go into work, but my brain keeps on saying “Oh go on. just stay till the end of the song”.
This of course sounds like a completely superficially reasonable proposition, but as previously mentioned I am already running almost late, and besides, what should I do if the next song is really good too. And if it only happened occasionally it’d maybe be OK, but it seems to happen all the time.
I suppose that the other Freudian conclusion to be drawn from this is that maybe I just like music more than I like work…