A couple of cool science things I’ve seen recently:
First comes an article about using genetic engineering to modify the photo-receptors in mice to allow them to see in three colours instead of the usual two (with appropriate experiments to allow them to test that they can actually distinguish the added colours). The article also has a bit on something else kinda cool, which is looking for women who, because of an x-linked mutation, end up with 4 kinds of colour photoreceptors instead of the usual 3, and as such can distinguish significantly more colours.
Next comes a group who claim to have developed a way to use enzymes to remove the A and B bloodgroup antigens from the surface of blood cells, turning all blood into group O. Now this is useful because O group blood can be given to patients with any blood group (for a moment we’ll ignore the -ve and +ve blood groups, which are much less of a problem) and so may help manage our shortages of blood for transfusions.
Penultimately is a thing on BBC about the possibility of planets forming in binary star systems (ie with two suns). Apparently it’s possible, and would sure make for some pretty sunsets – they keep on referring to the one in star wars, although I think the one in Pitch black is much more impressive.
And finally comes something today about how they think they have spotted the (rather large) openings for caves on the surface of mars.