At 8:48 last night Charlotte Isabelle Ramsay made a rather undignified but otherwise uneventul entry into this world.
I was reading Carl Sagan’s book “Contact” recently and a short section towards the start describes things quite well I felt:
When they pulled her out, she was not crying at all. Her tiny brow was wrinkled, and then her eyes grew wide. She looked at the bright lights, the white and green clad figures, the woman lying on the table below her. On her face was an odd expression for a newborn – puzzlement perhaps.
She is rather cute, and both her and Simone are doing fine.
The all important vital statistics are: 2.34kg (5lb 2oz), 46cm length, 32cm head circumference.
Below, for your edification, are the first of what promises to be many many photos of her.
I was thinking before that she might need her own website, so I can to some extent separate my fatherly blubberings from my opinionated rantings, but that will be another task for another day. anyway, without further ado:
(Click on the thumbnails to see the larger versions of the photos)
Initially displeased at the reception:
But happier once we got her in some clothes:
Settling in well in grandad’s arms:
Happy with mum:
But showing contempt for her father (pull that tongue in missy)
That’s better:
Feeling contemplative (my favorite photo of her so far):
Feeling sleepy:
Waving hello:
And finally another shot with mum: