The problem with pants

I have been having a few issues with my trousers. It all began when I went home for christmas, discovered a chocolate factory down the road from the beach house, and reduced my incidental (and intentional) exercise levels to something which may have at several point become a negative figure, and resided pretty close to zero much of the rest of the time…

As such I arrived back in Oz in January feeling dicidedly blimpish (and looking it too). It was at that point that I discovered that most dreaded of fashion problems: my regular trousers, several pairs of which formed the basis of my hospital dress, no longer fitted. Too tight around the waist you see. Luckily I could squeeze into one pair (don’t try and imagine it, you’ll just hurt yourself), and found a second pair of more seldom used but still respectable trousers that I could wear as well. Problem solved I thought, and challenge set: Loose some kilos!

As such I started to try (with highly variable degrees of success) to control my dietary energy intake, and to increase my daily energy expenditure by going on semi-epic bike rides, and later just riding to and from the hospital each day. And just as the theory suggested, I started to slim down a little (no record setting losses here, but enough to make me feel better and a little more comfortable in myself), but I soon discovered that my pants were once again causing me troubling. Not at the waist level this time, but rather at the thighs, which all my cycling had clearly caused to bulk up somewhat, and which had subsequently started to make the legs on my pants seem awfully snug. Now if I was a hot little latin dancer (named Julio, for argument’s sake…) pants that were tight across the thighs and (to a lesser extent) bum would not represent a problem, but I don’t find tight pants comfortable, and I don’t think my arse is much worth looking at, so seeing as I quite like the slowly shrinking nature of my puku (tummy for the non NZers out there) this time I may have to cave and buy some new pants.

What a fiasco, and all because of chocolate and a bicycle.