
Does it strike anyone else as more than a little perverted that the Republican controlled (and generally conservative) ligislature in the US they are pulling out all the legislative stops to try and keep alive one woman who wished to be allowed to die, while at the same time they appear to be doing nothing whatsoever to implement controls over the swathe of guns that are at the exact same time killing dozens of innocent people who don’t want to die at all…

The FBI’s “Crime in the United States” estimated that 67% of the 16,503 murders in 2003 were committed with firearms – for those of you who don’t want to do the math, that’s 11,057 people shot and killed in 2003 in the United States, and still the government(s) appear reluctant to do anything serious about it, and as the Terri Schiavo case illustrates, it’s clearly not due to a lack of ability on the legislature’s part (after all, they had sufficient numbers voting for the bill in both houses to make the Schiavo bill an amendment to the constitution if they had wished). They just had a lack of inclination. Sick really.