A tapestry of lacerations

I knew I was missing something not having a cat all these years, and now I remember what it was: Cuts. Scratches. Gashes. Perforations.

Jack is a very lively little kitten, and much of that energy seems to be expended on tearing around the house climbing, scratching and scampering down just about anything he can find (with humans proving to be ideal climbing frames and scratching posts).

And the funny things is that I don’t really mind it having a few kitty scratches. It reminds me what a nice thing it is to have fuzz therapy around again.

The feline F1 skill

Since getting Jack I have been reminded of cats’ uncanny ability to always step on the F1 key whenever they walk across my laptop’s keyboard.

Jack mainly does the walking across the keys simply as a way of getting my attention, but still he almost always hits F1 and causes the help screen to come up for whatever program I am currently using.

What would be funny would be if I could re-program the computer the launch a little window with jack’s picture in it and caption that says “Pay attention to me!!!!” instead.

But money can buy you happiness

Now everyone knows the old saying that money cannot buy you happiness, but at the moment at least I disagree with that.

With my first pay I went out and bought a fedora hat, which I have wanted for quite some time, and the first season of Deep Space 9 on DVD, which I have been happily watching.
Frankly it’s just nice to be in the situation for the first time in many years of being able to say “I want that” and just getting it, rather than having to wait, save or find justification for buying yourself treats.

Stroke ignorance

All the TV coverage of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s hospitalisation after his stroke has been something of a depressing reminder of the general ignorance within the average population of health matters.
Journalists, politicians, and well-wishers alike have been commenting on his condition and recovery progress as though they expect him to be back leading the country in a few weeks or months.
What they seem blissfully clueless about is that people who have major bleeds into their brains (and Sharon has had at least two from what I can tell from the new reports) are generally lucky if they return to being able to tie their own shoelaces, let alone leading a country.
The statistics on stroke alone are depressing enough: 1/3 die in at the time of the stroke, 1/3 die within 1 month, and overall only 10% return to living at home.

Death of a Dodo

Well, I’ve finally sorted myself out, and set up a proper permanent web host.

We can now be found at www.ramsayfamily.org .

I won’t be adding anything new onto this Dodo site, so wander on over to the new site and see what goodies are up over there.

Imagine… a world without Yoko Ono

I was watching a bit of the Winter Olympics opening ceremony this morning, and while the ceremony was by and large pretty cool (I especially liked the acrobats doing the dove dance towards the end), I have to say that I really find Yoko Ono pretty blood pathetic.

She somehow involved herself in the ceremony, reading the lyrics to John Lennon’s Imagine, as some sort of poem to peace, and while I like the song, it’s lyrics, and the unquestionable genius of it’s original creator, I find it pretty sad that whenever Yoko wants to make some public statement or be in some public appearance she trots out Lennon’s work or memory for her own use.

If she had done other things of genuine note then it might be different, but as far as I can tell she’s simply another of those myriad irritating people who have remained famous simply for being associated with someone famous.

As one london Newspaper art critic put it: “”She’s shaped nothing, she’s contributed nothing, she’s simply been a reflection of the times…I think she’s an amateur, a very rich woman who was married to someone who did have some talent and was the driving force behind the Beatles. If she had not been the widow of John Lennon, she would be totally forgotten by now…Yoko Ono was simply a hanger-on. Have you seen her sculpture or paintings? They’re all awful.”

and while there is relative agreement in art circles that her early work in visual and performance art was contributory, she has certainly doesn’t seem to have done anything particularly note worthy in several decades, and the continual riding on the coat tails of John Lennon’s ghost seems rather pathetic and distasteful.

Jack Vids


As previously promised/threatened I have uploaded those two videos of jack that I was talking about.

The first one is the “What’s up pussy cat” video that I have previously had up on my old site, and which many of you may have already seen.

The second one is a new one, and chronicles Jack’s first expedition outside the house a couple of weeks back.

They are both about 1.5Mb, so may take a minute or two to download.

Video 1: What’s up pussy cat

Video 2: Outside Adventures

Welcome. Aloha. Kia Ora Mate!

Well here we are at the new home of Dave and Simone’s web presence.

What this means in essence is that I will no longer be adding stuff onto our old site.

On the upside this new site has a lot more tricks and cool stuff, and won’t change address every time we move house or change our ISP.

Once I’ve put a few more things up and figured out how to configure things a bit better I will put up a post with the details of the rss feed etc.

Until then, this is what you get…

Tena koutou. Tena koutou katoa.

Oh. And I’ll put the two videos of Jack up on the site too, so you won’t be too bored while you wait for more content to be added.

Cats do the cutest things

Jack is settling in very well here, and I am basically finding everything he does cute and funny. It’s really great having a cat around again, and I had kind of forgotten how damn cute they can be.
Playing with paper.
Falling over chasing their own tail.
Running too and fro and playing peek-a-boo around the edge of furniture..

Anyway. I’ve made a little movie for you amusement of some of Jack’s first day at home.
(It’s about 1.4Mb, so it may take a few minutes to download, and if it’s not playing well you might want to save it only your computer before trying to play it).