BBQ Photos

I have put up some of the photos from this evening’s BBQ up on the “randoms” photo page for everyone’s edification.

On the way home we also stopped off and I took a photo of the previously mentioned piece of Questionable Signage at the naughty but nice store, so now you too can see what I mean…

Spam ecology

No, this blog entry isn’t about some canned meat that I left open to long and which grew interesting things (although that would definitely make for something interesting to write about…). In stead it related to a piece of email I recieved today.

Apparently you can think of any economic system as analagous to a biological ecosystem (an idea which I find I quite like), with a set number of niches (or market areas) which are occupied by the fittest contender (be that a company, an individual, or an idea). As such I must conclude that the Spam ecosystem must be getting pretty full, as it appears to be forcing new entrants into more and more specialised and obscure niches.

The particular piece of spam which arrived in my hotmail account today to inspire this blog was entitled “Meet singles with christian principles” (I took a screen shot for your amusement). Now I remember when most spam was happy filling the obvious simple niches: Get a bigger wang, up- (or down-) size your breasts, loose unlimited weight with no effort, get free porn, make your fortune (all we need is your credit card details…)… and that kind of thing. This forced diversification could be quite amusing. I will have to look in my junk mail folder a little more frequently to see if any new little gems arrive to amuse me.


I was listening to Triple J the other day (Australian youth oriented radio station for those those Kiwis among you who are busy scratching your heads) and one of the presenters was getting something of a grilling from one of his (female) friends, who was giving him a hard time for having a jar (glass, not plastic) of Vegemite with a best before date of 1989 in his pantry. I though that this was a superb effort to have food that old in the cupboard, and even more impressive (and something of a testament to (or perhaps an indictment of) vegemite) that even when it has been open for 15 odd years beyond it’s best by date it doesn’t need to be thrown out (and is still edible to open minded connoisseurs).

Mad chortling in the night

I have just been looking through my photo collection to find more pics to put on the site (I’m going to need a bigger server allocation pretty soon at this rate…), and anyone wandering past the window would have been easily forgiven for thinking that a mad scientist hard at his work resided in our place. I laughed particularly hard at some of the shit I was reminded we did during our amazing and care-free summers in Canberra. Damn those were great times. Anyway, the upside to all this is that there will be more new (or rather old) photos going up on the site in the next few days for everyone’s edification. Just a heads up…


It is probably not in my best interest for Simone to leave me on my own like this. This is the second morning in a row where I have been awake to see 5am (it’s not that pretty, so I can’t say I readily understand why I am doing it). At least this time I have had a bit of sleep (as opposed to yesterday where I had been up all night playing Master of Orion 3) before waking up again..


While driving around listening to the radio yesterday I heard several things worth sharing:

  1. Best new album title: “You fight like a girl”
  2. Best Hip Hop poetry (as heard on Triple J): A slightly modified version of Edgar Alan Poe’s The Raven, set to a pimpin’ hip hop tune (although I haven’t yet managed to find out what the exact song was).

Down time

Haven’t added anything to the blog in a while, at least it feels that way. The cardiology rotation, while not getting any more interesting (scratch another career option – Cardiology – too boring) has gotten a bit more busy, with the registrar and resident finally realising (two days before the end of the rotation) that med students aren’t only useful for their wit, charm and good looks, but can also be put (generally quite happily) to work admitting patients, putting in canulas, and doing any number of other menial tasks. Pity for both parties that it took them so long to figure this out, but the overall outcome has been that I have actually been spending full days at the hospital (vs. 1-2 hours per day average in the first week and a half) and so haven’t been being so proactive at adding stuff to this page.

Zimmer frames and Tanks

For Simone’s birthday we went and saw The Producers, the new Mel Brooks writen comedy musical. Now as many of you (including Simone) are quite aware, musical theatre is not generally my first choice for a great night out, but I still enjoyed myself, and decided that the show was meritorious if only for the fantastic Swedish accent, the use of cardboard tanks in a broadway style dance number, and the final highlight of the zimmer frame wielding granny chorus line that appeared in another number. Well worth a looksie if you get the chance (it’s in Brisbane at the moment and coming to Sydney soon apparently).

Questionable signage

On the way home from the hospital we go past an adult store called Naughty but Nice (which, as an aside, is a quite startlingly bright yellow), and yesterday I noticed that there is some rather appropriately inappropriate signage on the front of the store. In big red letter on what looks like it should be the front door, is written “Entry at rear”.
I got a photo of it so you can see for yourselves.
For any kids reading this, if you don’t get the joke, that’s probably for the best, and your parents will explain it to you when you are older (or maybe not)…

Med In joke

Another little in joke I found the other day and got a photo of was on one of the Med wards at the PA hospital where I am doing my current rotation. Someone had taken a drug chart a writen it up all official like with an order for 1 pinch of fish food daily, and stuck it on the back of the Ward’s fish tank. Here are the fish, and their food order. Again, if you don’t get it, perhaps it’s just a med thing…