Sandcrawlers (with deskchairs)

While up at the sunshine coast over the weekend I saw a shop whose name immediately amused me and conjurred up many humorous images in my mind.

The name of the store was “Jawa Furniture” and for those of you who remember your Star Wars trivia, Jawa was the name of the little droid stealing guys in dark brown (almost monastic) robes who rolled around in the desent in those honking great sandcrawlers.

As such I had this image pop into my head of a Jawa furniture store….

(Yes, it’s a very scary place in there some times…)

BBQ Photos

I have put up some of the photos from this evening’s BBQ up on the “randoms” photo page for everyone’s edification.

On the way home we also stopped off and I took a photo of the previously mentioned piece of Questionable Signage at the naughty but nice store, so now you too can see what I mean…

Spam ecology

No, this blog entry isn’t about some canned meat that I left open to long and which grew interesting things (although that would definitely make for something interesting to write about…). In stead it related to a piece of email I recieved today.

Apparently you can think of any economic system as analagous to a biological ecosystem (an idea which I find I quite like), with a set number of niches (or market areas) which are occupied by the fittest contender (be that a company, an individual, or an idea). As such I must conclude that the Spam ecosystem must be getting pretty full, as it appears to be forcing new entrants into more and more specialised and obscure niches.

The particular piece of spam which arrived in my hotmail account today to inspire this blog was entitled “Meet singles with christian principles” (I took a screen shot for your amusement). Now I remember when most spam was happy filling the obvious simple niches: Get a bigger wang, up- (or down-) size your breasts, loose unlimited weight with no effort, get free porn, make your fortune (all we need is your credit card details…)… and that kind of thing. This forced diversification could be quite amusing. I will have to look in my junk mail folder a little more frequently to see if any new little gems arrive to amuse me.

Zimmer frames and Tanks

For Simone’s birthday we went and saw The Producers, the new Mel Brooks writen comedy musical. Now as many of you (including Simone) are quite aware, musical theatre is not generally my first choice for a great night out, but I still enjoyed myself, and decided that the show was meritorious if only for the fantastic Swedish accent, the use of cardboard tanks in a broadway style dance number, and the final highlight of the zimmer frame wielding granny chorus line that appeared in another number. Well worth a looksie if you get the chance (it’s in Brisbane at the moment and coming to Sydney soon apparently).

Med In joke

Another little in joke I found the other day and got a photo of was on one of the Med wards at the PA hospital where I am doing my current rotation. Someone had taken a drug chart a writen it up all official like with an order for 1 pinch of fish food daily, and stuck it on the back of the Ward’s fish tank. Here are the fish, and their food order. Again, if you don’t get it, perhaps it’s just a med thing…

Toonin’ it up

During some random web-surfing procrastination yesterday I followed a link that lead me to a brilliant old comic that I frequently describe to other people, but which I hadn’t seen a copy of in years (as the only place I had seen it was in the back of a year 12/7th Form Calculus textbook), so here it is.