What’s your fetish?

A while ago Phil (who I seem to be mentioning an awful lot on this blog recently) told me about this brilliant quote/notion that stated “I am somebody’s fetish”, with the grounding rationale being that in a global population of six and a half billion people and the inherent variabilty in human sexuality, then no matter how alternative or main stream you are, there is going to be someone out there on the planet who sees you as an object of desire. I had found the idea quite funny, and apparently you can get T-shirts with the quote printed on the front.

As such when I rolled over in bed the other day and found my nose in Simone’s armpit, she joked that perhaps that was my fetish, and I took the opportunity to plug “Armpit fetish” into google. Simone didn’t think that there would be many hits. How wrong she was. 37,800 odd sites apparently. Somehow I wasn’t so surprised that there were lots of people with that fetish, but who would have thought that there were that many!!!