Doing a Dover Samuels

I was just looking at the Red Vs. Blue website, and watched their “Thanksgiving Day PSA (Public Service Announcement)” video, at which point I almost wet myself and temporarily lost the ability to breathe due to the fact that I was laughing so uncontrollably.

The video is available in a number of formats: WMV (14Mb), Quicktime (19Mb) or DivX (19Mb). Go watch it!!!

As for the whole Dover Samuels reference, if you want to know what it’s about, read this, or look at this, otherwise try not to think about it too much.

Something for Rob

A few years ago, during his heady engineering student days, my brother Rob (on the right in this pic) used to do a radio segement on the Canterbury University student radio station RDU. At the time my attempts to listen to it were confounded by my internet connection not wanting to connect, and he has subsequently stopped doing it (as far as I am aware).

Anyway, today I remembered this all, and finally managed to connect and have a little listen. It was good

RDU – Listen online here

When he was in he also liked the Vic uni radio station RadioActive.

Radioactive – Listen online here

Just something to do..

Isn’t Betty a helpful girl

Another really nifty website I found the other day through one of the computer magazines is called Brainy Betty, and it contains (amongst a great deal of other stuff) bunches of new (and best of all free) powerpoint templates, including some with animated components. I haven’t had a really good browse yet, but superficially what I saw looked damn cool.

In my defence

This insanity is not all my own doing. In my defence I was put onto this by someone else (Carolyn, if you’re reading this I’m not implying that you’re crazy, honest…). Anyway, as some of you will already know after I emailed you excerpts from it, I was introduced to a new web comic this afternoon. Bloody funny, go look it up.


One of the things I discovered last night while I was busy having fun at our BBQ was that people do actually read this site (and apparently enjoy it as well). This was well timed really (and nice to hear on a personal level as well) as I had begun to entertain certain paranoid fears that perhaps no-one else was reading this stuff, that I was merely informing and amusing the ether and the gods. Good to see that this isn’t the case. If you have any suggestions of which bits you particularly like or things I could improve, email me and let me know, or tell me next time you run into me in a dark alleyway…

(No, I’m not fishing for gratification or legitimacy…. honest… (although some nice Salmon would be nice…. I wonder what’s for dinner))

Spam ecology

No, this blog entry isn’t about some canned meat that I left open to long and which grew interesting things (although that would definitely make for something interesting to write about…). In stead it related to a piece of email I recieved today.

Apparently you can think of any economic system as analagous to a biological ecosystem (an idea which I find I quite like), with a set number of niches (or market areas) which are occupied by the fittest contender (be that a company, an individual, or an idea). As such I must conclude that the Spam ecosystem must be getting pretty full, as it appears to be forcing new entrants into more and more specialised and obscure niches.

The particular piece of spam which arrived in my hotmail account today to inspire this blog was entitled “Meet singles with christian principles” (I took a screen shot for your amusement). Now I remember when most spam was happy filling the obvious simple niches: Get a bigger wang, up- (or down-) size your breasts, loose unlimited weight with no effort, get free porn, make your fortune (all we need is your credit card details…)… and that kind of thing. This forced diversification could be quite amusing. I will have to look in my junk mail folder a little more frequently to see if any new little gems arrive to amuse me.