Girls World

I have been noticing that almost all the residents* I see around the hospital I am currently at seem to be female. It’s starting to wierd me out a bit. Perhaps it’s just a sampling error, and I’m simply spending my rotations on teams that just happen to currently have female residents assigned to them, or maybe there is a higher proportion of female residents working at the PA, with the excess males (given that there are still more males than females graduating from medical schools in Queensland, if only just) working at some of the other Brisbane hospitals. Whatever the reason, I may have to pay more attention and see if there is an explaination…

*Note for non Med types: The general ranking of doctors starts with residents (including interns, who are first year residents) who basically do all the medical scut work around the hospital, then moves up to registrars who are usually doctors on a training program for one of the specialties, and

I wanted to start the above note with “Note for Americans and other non Med Types” (as a tribute to the book Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimen – if you don’t know what I’m talking about, go read it. It’s awfully funny and seems to get positive reviews from everyone who reads it) but it just didn’t fit well enough to use it here. Perhaps at some later date….