Continued Bigness

So it’s not only the plane that was big, both of the hospitals I’ve been to are huge, and the medical school is enormous (with something like 1500 medical students). The city has some 8 million or so residents and a motor way system to match (which is also unbelievably complex if you’re completely new to it and have to get across town using it).

Movie madness

With 14 hours to kill what else do you do but watch movies. Back to back. Four of them….

  • Charlie and the chocolate factory
  • Batman begins
  • Mr and Mrs smith
  • Madagascar

My eyes aren’t so much square as that slightly rectangular shape of the little screens on the back of the airline seats.

Big? Actually, Jumbo!

Today is going to be my first trip on a 747. Ever since I was a child I have I think subconsciously held the belief that it wasn’t really International travel unless it took a 747 to get you there. So between the jumbo jet, the 14 hour flight, and the fact that I’m on an entirely different continent makes me fairly sure this fit’s the bill for real international travel.

Adventuring into the unknown

Well exams are over and now I am departing into the great unknowns of Africa. Of course it’s not entirely unknown, but I am operating on a pretty limited quantity of information, and it will be interesting to see the extent to which information and reality match up, and what stuff simply falls completely outside both my pre-departure advice and my scope of personal life experience up until now. No doubt the trip will spawn a plethora (I really do love that word) of additional blog entries, so stay tuned…

Safari Ho!!!

It looks increasingly as though my elective in Africa is going to happen! Yay!!

I have revieced approval from the university in Jo’berg, and am waiting for my registration to come through from the South African Medical Professional

I’ve had my pre-trip jabs. Now I just have to sort out flights, accommodation, transport, health Insurance, indemnity insurance, travel insurance, HIV prophylaxis, malaria prophylaxis…

Viva le imigratione

<please accept my apologies for the above hatchet attack on the french language, but I felt it did a particularly good and amusing job of converying the basis of this blog entry>

I keep on talking to people (or hearing third hand about conversations) within my loosely extended circle of friends and associates and hearing about how many of them think that they would quite like to live in NZ for a few years. Perhaps I need to start organising a mass migration eastward across the ditch at some point. We can drink good NZ beer together, and go good NZ skiing together, and… well I could get onto a bit of a rant here, so it’s probably best if I cut myself off while I still retain the mental faculties to do so…

Joining the jetset

Now many of you will be familiar with the high esteem in which I hold my home town of Wellington, and will have sat patiently through my extended rantings about its merits and virtues, and this post I’m afraid will probably be more on that theme.
One of my good old high school friends (I should probably clarify that I mean good old friend, rather than good old school) is getting married this weekend, and so I am doing something which seems at the same time fun and financially inadvisable (the phrase “fiscally blasphemous” keeps appearing in my head, but I don’t think it’s an accurate use of that word, and the other option of “anathema” seems too strong), namely flying to Wellington just for the weekend. Initially I was concerned that it may be quite an expensive exercise, but it actually ended up not being too pricey, however it may be setting a rather bad precident, as I do so love being in Wellington that I may well feel inclined to do this more frequently in years to come.
I may find myself tempted to pop over to go to fidel’s, or to ride the cable car, or see Te Papa, or… well you get the idea. Bad precident…